пятница, 29 ноября 2019 г.


Life is full of problems, but how we approach those problems often determines whether we're happy or miserable. Bob Maynard says, "Problems are opportunities in disguise." If we approach problems with Maynard's attitude, we see that problems are really opportunities to learn about others and ourselves. They enable us to live happier and more fulfilling lives.

Maynard's quote applies to all kinds of problems. I faced a problem just last week when our family's kitchen sink developed a serious leak. There was water all over our kitchen floor and piles of dishes to be washed. But my mother was out of town for the week.
Whatever kind of situation we face, problems give us the chance to learn and grow, both physically and mentally. For example, when my father had a problem with his car and couldn't the repairs right away, his problem become an opportunity to get some exercise.

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