среда, 4 марта 2020 г.

The most important news in Armenia today.

Armenia premier to Georgia counterpart: Another factor strengthening our relations has emerged

Armenia and Georgia have deep cultural, political, economic, and historical ties. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this today during his meeting in Georgia with Georgian Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia.
"We have been living side by side for millennia, and I think it's time to think about developing this region together—if not for the next millennia, at least for the next centuries," he added, in particular. “Our understanding of relations with Georgia is strategic.

Աշխարհում իրականացվող առցանց ուսուցման մոդելներ. դպրոցներ, համալսարաններ, քոլեջներ

Անհատական աշխատանք

Թեմա։ Աշխարհում իրականացվող առցանց ուսուցման մոդելներ. դպրոցներ, համալսարաններ, քոլեջներ

Աշակերտուհի։ Կարապետյան Էլեն

Դասարան։ 122

понедельник, 2 марта 2020 г.

The most important international news today

The number of countries hit by the coronavirus climbed past 60 Sunday, and infections and deaths continued to mount around the globe, emptying streets of tourists and workers, shaking economies and rewriting the realities of daily life.

Saying Googbye

My high school years are coming to an end. I know there are a lot of you going through the same thing, and hey, welcome aboard this sca...